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My name is Jessica, and I am a writer.

Hello! My name is Jessica Jackowicz, and I am a junior at the University of Michigan. I'm studying the sociology of law, justice and social change, while double minoring in writing and gender&health.  

I'm from Sterling Heights, Michigan, and have been a Michigan fan all my life. I have an amazing family, great friends, and the cutest dog ever (he even has his own Instagram). In my free time I like to spend time outside with my friends, walk my dog, watch Netflix, read a good book, or eat some really good ice cream from blank slate in Ann Arbor. I used to dance competitively, but now I stay active by running and boxing a few times a week. There's nothing better than running to a quiet place on a saturday afternoon, sitting down, and journaling. The picture to the left was taken where I go to clear my head and do most of my writing.

Last semester, I was a part of the gateway course to the writing minor with T Hetzel. Thanks to her, and the help of my classmates, this site was born! If you take a look around you'll see some of the pieces that I worked on. I'm excited to be able to share my hard work with you!

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